PVP and Spectating
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PvP battles allow players to compete against each other with their squads for glory and rewards. This guide covers the mechanics, options, and processes involved in PvP gameplay.
Squad Combat: Two players fight using their chosen squads.
Wagering Truffles: Players can bet Truffles on the outcome of the match.
PvP Truffle Jackpot: If both players wager at least 500 Truffles each, they automatically participate in the PvP Truffle Jackpot.
Wager Distribution: The winner takes 90% of the pot, while 10% is taxed.
PvP battles follow the same rules as PvE Squad Fights, with some key differences:
Starting Player: Chosen randomly at the beginning of each round.
Round Timer:
Players have a set amount of time to select their actions for each round.
If both players finalize their actions before the timer expires, the round concludes immediately.
If a player fails to finalize actions before the timer runs out:
Their characters will perform standard attacks targeting the enemy with the lowest remaining health percentage.
Create a Match: Set up a custom PvP game with specific rules and options.
Join a Match: Enter an existing PvP match created by another player.
Spectate Matches: View any ongoing PvP battles.
When creating a PvP match, you can customize the following options:
Squad Size: Choose between 2v2, 3v3, or 4v4 battles.
Maximum Character Level: Set a level cap for participating characters.
Round Timer: Adjust the time players have to decide their actions each round.
Animation Speed: Set the speed of battle animations (applies to both players).
Sudden Death Round: Define when sudden death damage begins (default: round 5).
Class Limitations:
Only 1 Champ per Class
Only 2 Champs per Class
No Limitations
Equipment Limitations:
No Equipment
Equipment Allowed up to a Specific Rarity
No Limitations
Rebirth Limitations:
No Rebirth Allowed
No Limitations
Truffle Wager: Set the amount of Truffles to wager.
Password: Restrict access to the match with a password.
Match Display: Created matches appear in the PvP Match Tab with all selected options visible to others. Background Gameplay: The creator of the match sees a "Searching PvP" overlay and can continue playing the game while waiting for an opponent.
Once your request to join is accepted, you will receive a notification with a direct link to the match lobby.
Joining a game also redirects you to the match lobby.
In the match lobby:
Both players select their 2, 3, or 4 Champz, or choose an existing squad to participate in the match.
Once both players have finalized their teams, the match begins.