Item Combining (Forging)

Offensive and defensive Items

Each Offensive and Defensive item belongs to one of eight different rarities, and the power of an item increases as its rarity level increases. The eight rarities, listed in ascending order, are as follows:

  1. Common (least rare)

  2. Uncommon

  3. Rare

  4. Magic

  5. Epic

  6. Legendary

  7. Ancient

  8. Unique

Unique items are special and can only be acquired through specific quests or achievements. They cannot be combined with other items, nor can other items be combined to reach the unique rarity.

To upgrade an item to the next rarity level, multiple items of the same rarity can be combined. The following rules apply to item combinations:

  • 2 x Common = Uncommon

  • 2 x Uncommon = Rare

  • 3 x Rare = Magic

  • 3 x Magic = Epic

  • 4 x Epic = Legendary

  • 5 x Legendary = Ancient

Therefore, an Ancient item is composed of 180 Rare items (or 720 Common items).

Items with a rarity higher than Rare cannot be obtained through drops. The only way to acquire higher rarities is by combining lower rarity items.

The forging system can be accessed via the hammer button in the menu bar.

To enhance an item, just choose the required upgrade components and then click on the forging symbol. The item into which the selected components will be forged, is displayed next to the forging symbol.

When upgrading the rarity of an item, the main attribute is increased and/or a new attribute can be added. The specific attributes that are modified or added are predetermined for each item. An example can be seen in the following table.

It is worth noting that certain items offer the opportunity to choose between different paths when upgrading from Magic rarity. Each path presents a unique attribute set, allowing players to customize their items based on their preferences and playstyle. These different paths can bring forth entirely distinct combinations of attributes, adding further depth and variety to the upgrade process.

Special Items

Each Special item belongs to one of five different rarities, and the power of an item increases as its rarity level increases. The five rarities, listed in ascending order, are as follows:

  1. Common (least rare)

  2. Magic

  3. Epic

  4. Legendary

  5. Unique

Unique items are special and can only be acquired through specific quests or achievements. They cannot be combined with other items, nor can other items be combined to reach the unique rarity.

To upgrade an item to the next rarity level, multiple items of the same rarity can be combined. The following rules apply to item combinations:

  • 3 x Common = Magic

  • 4 x Magic = Epic

  • 4 x Epic = Legendary

Therefore, an Legendary item is composed of 48 Common items.

Items with a rarity higher than Common cannot be obtained through drops. The only way to acquire higher rarities is by combining lower rarity items.

When upgrading the rarity of an item, the main attribute is increased and/or a new attribute can be added. The specific attributes that are modified or added are predetermined for each item. Special items that are available with patch 1.2.1 can be seen in the following table.

Item paths

Certain items can be upgraded along different paths, each offering a distinct set of attributes. To guide an item along a specific path, players need to utilize special consumable items known as essences. These essences come in seven different rarities, which are as follows:

Common Essences:

  1. Essence of the Soil

  2. Essence of the Wind

  3. Essence of the Sun

  4. Essence of the Rain

Rare Essences: 5. Essence of Life

6. Essence of Death

Legendary Essence: 7. Essence of the Unicorn

It is noteworthy that these essences symbolize the fundamental elements essential for life in Arborethia. Each essence is associated with a vital aspect of the ecosystem, reflecting the intrinsic connection between the item's upgrade paths and the natural harmony of the Arborethia world. By incorporating these essences into the upgrading process, players actively participate in preserving and channeling the essence of life within the realm.

When upgrading an item along a particular path, these essences must be obtained in addition to the required items for the upgrade itself. The quantity of essences needed for each upgrade can be found in the table above. The next tables show all the currently available item progressions.






Event Items



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