
The Guild Treasury is a central hub for resource management within the guild, comprising three distinct treasuries: Items, Spores, and Truffles. Guild members can contribute to these treasuries, while designated roles with specific permissions have the authority to distribute these resources to fellow guild members.

Treasury Types:

  1. Item Treasury:

    • Contains a collection of various in-game items that can be donated by guild members.

    • Permissions Required for Access:

      • Item Treasury

  2. Spores Treasury:

    • Stores spores, contributed by guild members.

    • Permissions Required for Access:

      • Spores Treasury

  3. Truffles Treasury:

    • Houses truffles, a unique and sought-after resource, donated by guild members.

    • Permissions Required for Access:

      • Truffles Treasury

Guild Member Contributions:

Donation Mechanism:

  • All guild members have the ability to contribute to the treasuries by donating items, spores, or truffles.

Treasury Access and Distribution:

  1. Permissions for Distribution:

    • Specific roles within the guild are granted permissions for accessing and distributing resources from the treasuries.

  2. Item Treasury Access:

    • Members with the "Item Treasury" permission can access the Item Treasury and distribute items to other guild members.

  3. Spores Treasury Access:

    • Members with the "Spores Treasury" permission can access the Spores Treasury and distribute spores to other guild members.G

  4. Truffles Treasury Access:

    • Members with the "Truffles Treasury" permission can access the Truffles Treasury and distribute truffles to other guild members.

Tracking of Treasuries

The guild interface provides a transparent view of individual contributions and withdrawals via the log window, fostering a sense of collective ownership.

Last updated